Throughout life, I’ve been a curator. I curate all the beautiful things, books, people, places, and time spent in luxuriously intentional moments. 

I’ve always edited my life in one fashion or another. Whether it’s editing out certain thought patterns, my closet, or toxic relationships, I curate and edit fastidiously.

Through all of these “edits” and “curations,” I’ve always stuck like glue to my values, beliefs and principles – whatever they happened to be at the time. Because yes, they do change as we age and experience new things.

One thing is certain — I will always have personal success principles. 

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

These aren’t trivial day to day things like “make my bed first thing” or “never wear yoga pants in public unless working out.” They are, in fact, overarching principles by which I try to live my life. Personal success principles to guide me through everyday.

On occasion, principles come to me quickly, and other times they’re more challenging to curate. Sometimes they require my mind to be weeded and edited to find them beneath whatever weed was hiding it.

It’s an activity that requires intention, mindfulness, and a bit of creativity. And, it’s a fabulous way to distill your core values into something meaningful that makes sense to you.

To get you started as you work on your list of principles, here are mine:

  1. Appreciate the change that happens in the silence.
  2. Create yourself; don’t find yourself.
  3. Live inspired.
  4. Choose to shine.
  5. Be you, Maria.
  6. Trust in the process.
  7. Be kind, even in the face of serious misdemeanours.
  8. Keep going.
  9. Don’t avoid, feel.
  10. Elegance is refusal.
  11. Align your actions with what you want in life.
  12. Let it go.

How do you curate your own list?

Coming up with your own list requires patience. It’s not all going to come to you right away. My list you see above took me a week to do and went through several edits. I wanted to be sure to keep them simple, but at the same time, convey emotion so they would be meaningful and inspire me to take action. 


