Research has confirmed that sugar addiction is a real thing, a real biological disorder that is driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings leading to uncontrolled overeating.

Here are 8+1 ways to beat sugar cravings:

  1. Make a shopping list and stick to it! Shop according to your plan and never visit the supermarket when you are hungry.
  2. Eat Real Food: Incorporate vegetables and legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas) in your meals and nuts and seeds in your daily snacks. Avoid processed and sugary foods that make you prone to sugar addiction.
  3. Add protein to your breakfast: Add eggs, vegan protein powder or peanut or almond butter to your breakfast to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
  4. Keep your stress under control: People tend to overeat and turn towards sugary foods when their stress is taking control. Make a list of activities that help you unwind like a yoga class, meditation, a walk in nature (by the beach or in the mountains), time out with friends, a movie, gardening etc.
  5. Exercise often: Exercise raises the levels of feel-good hormones in the body helping you avoid emotional overeating and enforcing your general feeling of wellness and wellbeing.
  6. Sleep well: Studies show that lack of sleep leads to low levels of the hormone leptin, a hormone that controls your food cravings.
  7. Use supplements: supplementing with chromium, magnesium, B-complex vitamins and probiotics can help your body utilise carbohydrates more efficiently and balance your blood sugar levels, helping you control your sugar cravings.
  8. Add fiber to your diet: Good sources of dietary fibre include chia seeds, linseeds and organic fruits you can enjoy with the skin on, i.e. organic apples and pears. Adding fiber to your diet and fresh fruits can help you stabilise blood sugar levels and beat sugar cravings.
  9. Try new healthier snacks: Try healthier snack options like unsalted nuts, dark chocolate (around 70% cocoa), chia puddings, protein balls or bars made with nuts. Seeds, dried fruits and superfoods, green smoothies or fresh fruit and veg juices like carrot, apple, celery and ginger juice, all of which containing valuable nutrients to help your body function optimally and boosting your health.




