Halloween: a spooky holiday celebrated in many countries and in Cyprus too of late! It’s time to Trick or Treat ourselves on our island this week!

Let’s all admit that we are here for the boos 🍹 so below why not make Halloween a real treat for big kids like us (AKA surpassingly-adults) with the following oh-so-creepy cocktails?

  1. Bloody orange Sangria, best served in Jack-o’-lantern:

Serves 6


4 blood oranges (regular oranges are fine to-go as well)

2 bottles of white wine, Pinot grigio

1 cup sparkling water

1/2 cup brandy

Sliced fruits based on preferences (e.g. apples, strawberries, oranges)


Take the juice of the blood oranges – be careful with seeds.

In a large container, mix the liquids (wine, brandy, blood orange juice, sparkling water) and stir well to combine. Add the chopped fruits and let it chill overnight.

Pour in a large ball and present it as a punch in a carved pumpkin, for the extra effect, with loads of ice cubes.

  1. Vampire’s booze with a kids’ friendly alternative

Serves 4


2 cups raspberries

1/4 cup sugar

120ml vodka

60ml amaretto

60ml orange juice

180ml sparkling water

4 plastic syringes


For the raspberries puree:

Smash the raspberries in a blender and separate from seeds. Add sugar and raspberries puree in a saucepan over a medium heat and stir frequently until thickens. Let it chill.

Mix vodka and amaretto until well-combined and pour into iced glasses.

Now for the fun part: fill syringes with the raspberry syrup and place in glasses before serving.

Extra tip: do not press the entire mix of syrup in the glass. Let your guests enjoy the moment!

Kid’s version:


Sprite, Ice, Grenadine, Syringe


Serve Sprite into iced glass and wait until it stops fizzing. Place the syringes filled with grenadine and watch the smiles appear in your kids’ faces!

  1. Snow white’s poisoned apple:

Serves 2


120ml apple cider

120ml ounces tequila

60ml pomegranate juice


Mix all liquids with ice in a container and stir until well-combined. Serve in clear coloured glasses. Drink at your own risk.

Go ahead, peak your poison and I hope that you will have a Spooktacular night. And remember to Drink responsibly: leave all the brooms parked at the door.

Until then…Witching you a happy Halloween and Strike for a glass half full !

See you next week! 

Nicole x





