I really can’t remember how this ‘fat free’ roast potato recipe came and found me but ever since, it has been a hot favourite on my dinner table. Crunchy, golden and soft on the inside these potatoes don’t allow for any leftovers.

Jot it down:

Approx.: 12-15 people


  • 20 peeled, washed potatoes of medium size
  • Vegetable oil to cover 1/2 of the potato once in the oven dish
  • ½ cup of sesame seeds
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • ½ glass of water


Potatoes should be of medium size as they will be cooked without being cut into pieces. Put the potatoes in a large pan covering them with water and placing them on the stove. As soon as the water boils remove and drain them. Once out of the pan place them in an ovenproof dish and carve them on one side, add the vegetable oil and water so as to cover the potatoes half way. Add salt, pepper and sesame seeds on each potato and place them in the oven at 200 °C for approximately 2 hours.


