‘This deliciously thin, crispy and entirely gluten-free (and vegan!) pizza base is so versatile that it suits any topping of your preference. Super quick and super simple, and especially handy to know during mid-week lunch preps / last-minute dinner plans!’  Marina Georgallides

I’m a 22-year-old Londoner and food fanatic navigating the everyday culinary difficulties of lBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I’m a FODMAP friendly food blogger and baker. The acronym FODMAP stands for a range of short-chain carbohydrates which are poorly absorbed by the small intestine for people with IBS. A FODMAP friendly diet, on the other hand, avoids foods which might trigger symptoms of IBS, such as gluten, garlic and onions (however, the list is much more extensive than this and can be found with a simple google search). Realising just how many problematic foods there are for somebody like myself with IBS can be very intimidating, but it shouldn’t be something that stops anyone from eating delicious, healthy and good-for-your-gut food. Which is why I put together @chefmarinie — a range of FODMAP friendly recipes! I hope you enjoy the first of many I’ll be sharing with you!

Makes 3 pizzas

Prep time: 30 minutes


For the base

125 gr. buckwheat flour

70 gr. white rice / brown rice flour

1 tbsp. dried Italian mixed herbs

½ tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1 egg

1 tsp. maple syrup

180 ml. oat milk

3 tbsp. olive oil

For the topping:

3 tbsp. gluten-free pesto per pizza base

60 gr. lactose free cheddar cheese, grated or sliced

60 gr. smoked ham, shredded

½  courgette, peeled


  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC fan. Prepare three baking trays by roughly splashing a tablespoon worth of oil.
  • To make the pizza bases, combine the buckwheat flour, rice flour, Italian herbs, egg, milk, maple syrup, olive oil, salt and pepper until well mixed. Ladle two or three spoonful amounts of the batter onto the greased baking trays, using a spatula to spread out the mixture into a circle.
  • Bake for 10 minutes until lightly golden brown.
  • Once baked, add the pesto to each pizza base, topping with the cheese, ham and peeled courgette. Bake for a further 10 minutes until the base is golden brown and the ingredients on top have softened.



