When it comes to recycling, so many of us tell ourselves that we are conscious about our waste disposal, but then we do nothing about it. Is this a coaching article? Yes it is. My attempt is to kill two birds with one stone here. Raise awareness and get you doing the things you say you will!

Ask yourself; Are you a man/woman of your word? When you say you’ll do something how often do you do it? Most importantly, do you do the right thing even when no one is looking?

  • When we do what we say we will: Feel better, have integrity, gain people’s trust and confidence.
  • Be true to yourself. If you “lie” to other people, you are lying to yourself. So don’t say you’ll do something just for the sake of it!
  • Recycling can be a great way to teach your kids about climate change, global warming, and to be aware of their social responsibility.

Why am not I paid for recycling?

Payment is beside the point! I understand that the reward for recycling (saving our earth) and the repercussions for not recycling (damaging the environment) are not immediate. But this should not be your excuse.   

You recycle for yourself, your family – children and the world you will leave behind. How can anyone put a price on that? Don’t excuse yourself saying that nobody does it. And don’t tell yourself that a single person can’t change the world. At the end of the day, you may just influence other people to start recycling!

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa

Maybe you are one of those people who only complains about a problem but does nothing to solve it! If you truly are conscious about the environment then there are a gazillion ways you can help. And trust me, if everyone does their bit, it will collectively have a big positive impact.

How to recycle?

  1. Put your used plastic bottles and aluminum tins (sodas, soft drinks) in their appropriate recycling bags.
  2. Leave them outside on your pavement for recycling companies to collect! (usually once a week)

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”  Robert Swan

Happy recycling!



