A pungent satisfying texture, the cheese and onion sandwich requires very few ingredients, but there is a lot of room for improvisation depending on what you like and have on hand. My mum always adds chopped tomato to give it a lighter taste. We can’t get enough of this afternoon tea delight!
Makes 2 sandwiches
4 ounces cheese such as a mature Cheddar and Red Leicester
2 tablespoons finely chopped spring onions
2 tablespoons finely chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoons salad cream
Salt and pepper ( according to taste)
4 slices untoasted bread without crust
Grate the cheese on the finest grater. Combine in a bowl with the onions, chopped tomatoes and salad cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Spread the mixture between slices of buttered bread. Cut away the crust and slice into even sized triangles.