The New Year is a period for change, it’s the time to set goals and start doing all the things we put on hold for next Monday or the New Year. Only a few succeed in actually reaching their targets, some don’t even try.

Below are my 5 tips that will help start your 2019 fitness journey.

  1. ADJUSTMENT–It’s not what you think it is!

Rome wasn’t built in a day. You need to start slowly and steadily. Two or three times a week is the perfect start to getting used to your new routine.

  1. APPOINTMENT–Meeting with yourself!

Try not to consider exercising an option you have just for a change in your daily routine. Make it a part of your weekly program. You’ll like it so much you won’t be able to go without it.

  1. FITNESS PROGRAM–What? Why? Where? When?

It’s important for you to know what part of your body you are targeting each time, what you need as an individual, what days and what time of the day you are exercising. Choose a place you are comfortable with and understand why you have started to work out.

  1. TARGETS–Pick the target, freeze it and personalise it!

Make sure you set goals every single time – daily, weekly or monthly. This will help you stay active and motivated to keep working to reach your long-term goals.

  1. ALTERNATIVES-Go where you feel most alive!

There are plenty of ways to get your body moving and your heart racing. Don’t suffer through a particular type of exercise if you hate it. Find what suits you best and give it a shot.

 Good luck,

 Stefanos Thrasyvoulides

