(For me this year, there’s just got to be a 4 if there are numbers involved!)

I’m not going to lie and tell you that ‘getting healthier’ has never been one of my New Year’s resolutions, it’s always been. Now, however, my big 4-0 year I choose just that and only that – the greatest gift on earth! Then again who doesn’t set goals to feel and look their best?! We live in a world of Fad diets, expensive personal trainers, and self-care trends. Most of us try to investment in our health and image, which, most of the time, ends up not working either because our expectations are too high, we get fed up and accept defeat meekly or we have made poor choices. Whatever the reason we end up stagnating rather than making a lifestyle change.

So, as I’m now at the ripe old age of 40 (yes! 40!) I’m going to randomly hit on 24 (a number I’d quite happily swap 40 for) ways to make 2020 my healthiest and happiest year yet. Some are going to be challenging, way beyond easy, others won’t cost any money but all 24 will have a significant impact on mind and physical health!

  1. Add a quick 10 minute, TLC facial to your night time routine

You’ll wake up a different person! Must implement! Must! Must! Must!

  1. Plan grocery shopping by making a weekly meal plan and saving it.

Find recipes, create menus and make up your grocery list. Save time and energy busting your brain on what to make every day to keep the family well nourished. You kill two birds with one stone.


  1. A Laugh a day will keep the doctor away.

Make it your goal to laugh because brightening up your day with some laughter is seriously the best medicine.


  1. Give your home a makeover

Had the same coffee table since forever? Haven’t changed your bedding in years? Want to add a chair or signature piece to jazz up your space? Up your place!  When your home is exactly how you want it, you’re bound to be more productive, I know I am!


  1. Watch your weekly alcohol intake

Don’t waste carbs and cals on alcohol, wise up and use them to satisfy you with food favs!



Use some of the weekend to prep away your weeks’ worth of healthy meals – get ahead of your meal game. My life is centred around the word prep!


  1. Take a social media break

Sometimes, you just have to get off your phone even if your work does depend on the gram! Allocate a phone free slot to your day. Swap the social media scrolling for self-care – we never used to be so dependent on the cell!


  1. Invest in your cookware

Making delicious, healthy meals in rusted, scratched pots and pans is impossible and certainly takes away the excitement. Now that I have revamped mine cooking is so much more fun!

  1. Try a new recipe every week

You never know what just might end up on your weekly rotation! I’ve promised my kids I will try my best to get more creative in the kitchen! (that will mean more recipes shared on WMC)


  1. Stop caring about what other people think

I know this is easier said than done, but I’m so over feeling the need to portray a certain persona which is not me. We are who we are, we should be accepted for who we are and if not then bye bye! Worry less about what people think and care more for those who really matter.


  1. Adopt the meatless Monday, Wednesday and Friday habit

I’m all about incorporating vegetarianism into my life as smoothly as possible without too much disruption of my children’s ideal weekly menu. This is so difficult but Christina you’ll be so proud that I’m trying!


  1. Take your workout outside

Something I want to start doing immediately! Beach front, park, neighbourhood, anywhere! Just outside!


  1. Make your own smoothie bowls

The perfect smoothie bowl doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. I will start putting my Pinterest board into action the soonest… I will, I will. 


  1. Spend the night in

Max out on couch potato time. Enjoy those Netflix nights huddled on the sofa or in bed! Outlander… Thank you!


  1. Give yourself a massage

Facial massage, body massage…. Any kinda massage J Go for it!


  1. NEED dessert? Try banana nice cream!

You all know I have a sweet tooth and I can’t get enough of anything chocolatey every day (am trying though!) Instead, have a go at making banana nICE cream! You simply blend frozen bananas until they’re the consistency of ice cream. You can add cocoa powder, other fruits, veggies, or pretty much whatever your heart desires.

  1. Set yourself small tasks that give you satisfaction

Such as read a book a month or watch the movie that’s won an Oscar or listen to the 5 top hits of the month – this way you can keep ahead of what’s going on especially if you have teenage children or you are a teacher.


  1. Clear your diary for your spouse.

Book a weekend away just for you and him / her – bring back a bit of romance into you hum drum existence. 


  1. Set achievable goals

E.g.  clean out the cupboard in the garage, contact long lost aunts and say hello, learn to sew, learn to knit, learn an art or craft


  1. Do I dare say to go easy on the retail therapy?

There are days I think yes, there are days I think no! You decide! (I know, I know it helps so much) but the kids need so much now and they have to come first!


  1. Spend even more quality time with your children

They grow up way to fast


  1. Choose to travel

Near, far wherever you can!


  1. Get out of that boring comfort zone

Do something which will give you a rush of adrenaline. Cat would say get a tattoo!


  1. Do anything you set your mind on!

You can. Take my word on it.









