Living in such a multi-cultural world, we expect to face different habits and customs. Same occurs in the process of drinking, as toasting is a universal way to begin a drinking occasion. Customs have been developed wherever alcohol is consumed, which is almost everywhere. This goes way back to the Romans and the Greeks, who used the toasting process to offer wine to their beloved gods on special occasions.

Likewise, a few centuries later, the Europeans developed their own drinking traditions with the most common being the clinking of the glass and maintaining eye-contact during the entire toasting process.

In some of these countries, not following the above 2 rules are serious “faux-pas”. Varying from 7 years of bad luck, to 7 years of limited intimate intercourse in your personal life, the French and Germans, do not risk receiving coital misery.

Sharing a drink with someone, was an easy way to poison one-another. The clink and eye process was a way of ensuring that no one had spoiled your drink with poison. How you may ask? It worked as an insurance mechanism, bumping the glasses together would make both drinks splash into each other therefore ensured the safety of the drink.  What’s more, constant eye contact was imperative and established mutual trust that neither of the drinks had been poisoned.

Despite the above dated prejudices, these 2 unwritten rules have various positive outcomes. For starters, a proper toast is associated to good health and luck. A successful “cheers” also declares that you are part of the group, while honouring each and everyone’s presence. It is a means of showing that you are all on the same page, party-wise. A way of expressing your interest in your companions, instead of your smartphone and generally living the moment.

So, despite the fact that you do not have a worry that someone may be poisoning you, embrace the eye contact and give yourself a good glass-clink. Afterall, toasting to everyone’s happiness and health is like a little black dress or a glass of fine champagne– old time classic!

See you next week!

Cheers, Santé and Yiamas..

Until then.. Strike for a glass half full !

Nicole x



