As the cold winter is approaching, you would have definitely seen some changes in your skin. I live in London, so cold weather comes early for us unfortunately. I am always amazed and fascinated at how the skin responds to different seasons, it makes you think how much effect the external factors have on our largest organ. My symptoms usually consist of dehydration, dry patches on my cheeks, dry lips and congestion on the chin, but yours could be completely different. It could be excessive oil production, eczema, rosacea etc., although dryness and dehydration tends to be the most common concern during winter since the water from our skins evaporates faster.

I’m a firm believer in transitional skincare, I don’t believe in changing your entire routine. Swapping products or increasing the amount of a product used previously is a good start.
Today’s post is about what I consider to be important in order to make the transition from warm to cold as smooth as possible.

  • Cleansers.

During the warmer months, we tend to use gel or foam cleansers that rinses off with a splash of water, however I find that using just wash-offs in winter can result to dehydration. Instead, opt for cream and oil cleansers at least once a day, and keep your gels in the shower if you still like to have them around for practical reasons. I love the Oskia Renaissance gel-to-oil formula, and the Twelve Purifying cream cleanser. Please refer to my Cleansing 1-0-1 article to see more product recommendations and instructions on how to use them.

  • Serums.

Winter is definitely the time to bust out your hyaluronic serums ladies. A lot of people believe that in order to hydrate their skin, they need to use really rich thick creams. In reality, all they do is provide a protective layer on the surface of the skin which feels comfortable like a cocoon but as soon as you cleanse, the dehydration comes back because they never deal with the deeper layers of the skin. The rule of thumb is that the lighter the texture, the further the product will travel into your skin, thus the more it will hydrate to the deepest layers. As the molecules get bigger (or as the texture gets thicker) the less it will travel deep in your skin. It will only stay on the first couple of layers. That is why in winter you definitely need both serums and creams/oils. I call it skincare layering. So if you already have a moisturiser from the summer, instead of buying a richer cream to replace it, try buying a serum to use underneath it, you might be surprised on how well it will work.  My favourite serum is the Twelve Moisture Level Serum, but please go to my article “how to use facial oils properly” to find a bigger selection of recommended serums, as well as instructions on how to use them on their own or mixed with oils.

  • Hydrating masks.

You may have found that using clay-based strong purifying treatments worked brilliantly for you during the summer months because they kept your skin clear and unclogged from all that sweat, SPF, and make up you wore. But most certainly in winter your skin priorities shift and you will crave something more calming, softening, hydrating, and brightening. You could of course still use your strong treatment once a week if you feel that your skin still needs it, but try to incorporate other gentler hydrating treatments too.

For example, the Nuori Supreme Polish Treatment is one of my favourite transitional products because it does everything. It’s an adaptable kit with 2 components, an enzyme cream and a powder exfoliator, and having them separately means you can adjust the ratio and use it however you like.

The cream is a combination of organic oils and enzymes derived from acerola, cherries and pomegranates, which exfoliate, soften, and hydrate the skin. When used on its own, it’s a beautiful treatment mask, but you can even mix it with other masks to add a touch of hydration and exfoliation.

The dry powder is a mixture of jojoba beads, oats and aloe vera powder, and it can be added to the enzyme cream for an exfoliating dream or to any of your cleansers (gels/creams/oils) to provide a buffing action.

It’s versatile, it’s genius, and it’s all you need to transition yourself into winter.

Hope you found this useful, and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Melanie Christou
The Green Edit 


