November, or Movember is globally the prostate cancer awareness month and Saw Palmetto is an extraordinary plant that has proven to have healing properties, especially for the prostate gland.

It is a palm tree with lush, green leaves that can reach up to 3 meters in warm climates. Saw Palmetto extract is taken from the deep purple berries of the saw palmetto palm. 

Saw Palmetto Benefits:

  1. Treats benign prostatic hypertrophy. BPH is the most common form of an enlarged prostate resulting in difficulty in urination, bladder infections and bladder stones. Saw Palmetto is a natural supplement that improves prostate health naturally.
  2. Reduces prostate cancer risk. Studies have shown that Saw Palmetto inhibits the growth of prostatic cancer cells and may destroy dangerous cells.
  3. Maintains normal levels of testosterone in men. Because Saw Palmetto inhibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT, the body maintains normal levels of testosterone. This helps with weight loss, strength management, pain response, hair loss and sex drive.
  4. Supports the urological system. Saw Palmetto helps by treating the weakening urinary organs in elderly men or women as it strengthens the urinary organs. It is effective in improving urological symptoms and urine flow.

If you, or a loved one are facing difficulties that involve the prostate, consider supplementing with this natural remedy.

Christina x


