Daily stress at work, kids, family, etc can cause many issues in our lives. However, self-care can be a powerful remedy that restores both mind and body.

Most people “know” that taking care of themselves is beneficial to their health, but do they “do” the right things?!

Relief your stress with these self-care techniques:  

  1. Make your health a priority. Parents mostly give their all to the happiness and healthcare of others and they often neglect their own health! Find a balance between taking care of others and taking care of you.


  1. Self-care is a conscious effort to put you first. This is not a selfish thing to do. It actually promotes you being healthy for the long run, and the healthier you are; the more you can help others!
  • E.g. when you make it a priority to take care of yourself, you build a lifestyle that focuses on healthy choices. Build self-care into your daily habits, such as eating a healthy breakfast and exercising.


  1. Start with just one healthy habit.
  • By implementing one healthy habit each day, few years down the line you’ll thank yourself.


  • The habit can be a tiny change, such as eating oatmeal for breakfast or having a salad for lunch. The key is to pick something small that is easy to do. Then, you can build from it and add other habits. Don’t try too many things at once ass it could get overwhelming!


  1. Find your own way. There are so many self-care practices out there, but chose the one that suits you.
  • You may not have time to eat a healthy lunch or exercise every day. Be open to try different ideas to figure out which self-care practice works well for you.


  1. Add one, move on to the next! Stress will continue to be a factor as long as you’re on this planet. It’s important to discover new self-care habits to relieve your stress.

You have to take care of yourself first, before taking care of others. This is BEST selfish thing you’ll do.

 Fotis x


