Girls without girlfriends don’t know what they are missing out on! Although friends come and go and we meet different sets of friends at different stages of our lives, the ones that remain are those we have concrete foundations and true connections with. Real friends are priceless and unique. These are relationships we choose to enter into unlike others such as family where there is no choice. These girlfriend relationships are also different to voluntary bonds, like marriages and romantic relationships, as they lack a formal structure. You wouldn’t go months without speaking to or seeing your partner but you might go that long without contacting a friend. And you simply pick up from where you left off – that is the beauty of real friendship. Think SATC, think Desperate Housewives!

I have made an amazing bunch of friends through my children, it’s as if I have started my life from the beginning but this article is dedicated to the girls I grew up with! Four of us who met at the same secondary school, in the same class who now have different lives in different countries but we have a rare bond that connects us fully.

Thanks to another of our classmates who tied the knot in an intimate ceremony on 2nd June in Athens, two of us flew in from Cyprus and the other two from the UK to attend the wedding. It was a triple whammy as it fell on my birthday and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate. For me, it was a three-day birthday/wedding celebration and to cap it all as I was with my girls 24/7 – a throwback to our school days where we spent endless amounts of time together. It was fantastic as we stayed in the same house, caught up on each other’s lives, giggled incessantly. Sheer excitement kept us up till the wee hours as we played and replayed many precious memories.

It was Phillipos and Sophia’s beautiful wedding that gave us the opportunity to re unite and reignite our friendship. The wedding also gave us so much more to celebrate – Phillipos, a friend to each of us for different reasons, married a truly lovely woman who will make him as happy as he deserves to be. The wedding was a reminder that life with its quirky ups and downs is to be lived to the full with the ones we love most.

What was so startlingly clear this weekend is that no matter how much time passes, no matter where we are, no matter who we are married to, our connection is unbreakable we understand each other completely and for that I am truly grateful.

I am so lucky to have these wonderful women in my life.

Dedicated to you 3 girls. 


