And suddenly we are a group. Starting out it was just me! Along the way we have become a crew each doing our part to help and entertain you daily, offering a different voice, perspective and view on a variety of topics and day to day stuff. It’s so exciting.

WMC’s digital darlings had a blast a couple of weeks ago, we came together for our first group photoshoot and it went super well. We bonded, had a laugh, enjoyed the shoot and got on like a house on fire!


Photoshoot details: Dress code white and denim, hair and makeup taken care of by each person, photographer in tow.

Wanting to arrive at the photo studio first, I made sure all was in check, or so I thought! Ordered coffee and breakfast and waited for my team to arrive. Just as the photoshoot was about to begin, guess who had made a faux pas?  ME again!  I realised that my clothes were not in the dressing room but at home! What a blunder!!! The story of my life! I ended up putting a number of very busy people on hold! Imagining fraying tempers, I rushed home only to come back to find a calm, relaxed group of people bonding over some well brewed coffee! My crew had become a team laughing, joking seemingly without a care in the world.

We began shooting and I swelled with pride seeing the different aspects of this lifestyle website rolled into one! A picture really is worth a thousand words.

The boys, minus one, had great fun in front of the camera and we girls felt like we were in some hot Hollywood ad!

Cat, Melanie, Eleni, Christina, Niki, Stephanos, Fotis and Andreas (who couldn’t make it)

This is us:

