I have lived with fresh flowers in my home for most of my adult life. Having in laws that have a family business growing flowers it would seem strange not to ever find them in vases in different areas of my home. My mother in law would bring dozens of freshly cut flowers weekly in bulk for me to enjoy, scatter and decorate my house with – my friends and family would also benefit too for that matter.Thinking back to my wedding day, the sky was the limit in quantity, not so much in variety because locally grown flowers were my only option but being a young bride and an obedient, sweet daughter-in-law I didn’t demand anything other than what I was told I could have, apart from my bouquet which was lily of the valley, my favourite flower. Anyway, fresh eucalyptus, white roses and lilies filled the church and ballroom transporting whoever was there to a paradisiacal garden that will remain in my memory forever. Quite exquisite.

The thing is, I took advantage of it all. Especially the freshly cut flowers given to me every Saturday. Since the flower business has been down sized, which has now been for the last three to four years, these flowers have been scarce to non-existent. I do miss how they used to be given to me, however, they’ve made their way back into my home but in the more conventional, stopping at the flower shop to buy them way.

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It is during this time that I discovered a little dolls house of a flower shop near my children’s school. I would pass from this Covent Garden look-a-like of a shop daily until I just got down to see if what I was looking at on the outside reflected the inside. It did to say the least. Cluttered with romantic displays of themed or seasonal arrangements, plants and flowers this little shop has become indispensable to me. Not only did Natalie the owner of ‘Details’ bring back flowers to my coffee tables she transformed my garden into a herbal haven for my sons christening last year. Since then Christmas arrangements and many of my ‘planned’ surprises from my husband are taken care of by Natalie.

A herbal haven

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Inside the new  ‘Details’ which  is opening soon

Flowers in any kind of vases are chic and stylish. They can add natural colour to a room making it merry and cosy or if in whites and neutrals, elegant and tasteful. I personally like a variety, my flowers depend on my mood and space. If in a more casual part of the house, like the kitchen and T.V room, I love my mixture of stems and colour. For the sitting and dining rooms though I always go for whites with lots of greenery.

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Fresh flowers in general, also make it easy to decorate for each season. They lift our spirits and bring life to our home whilst acting as a natural refresher. They give an air of homeliness by soothing us and de stressing us, they improve our concentration, help trigger off our creativity and make us productive (need to have that in mind). Having flowers around you at the start of your day also help beat those morning blues. That’s what research says anyway. I just find that they are a perfect choice for whatever and whenever.


Going to a local flower shop or grabbing a bunch from your local supermarket after tiring yourself out is a treat you totally deserve.  You’ll feel great taking them home and arranging them as you please, don’t wait for those special occasions, it’s an affordable way to give yourselves and your homes a small pick me up.

