Like most movies and sitcoms starring women (think Girlfriends or Sex and The City), each character reveals a certain truth about the personality of every woman. For me the frequently asked question “Which Character Are You?” is hard to pinpoint. Reason number one why it is important to take a girls trip as a mum. Most of us get lost in our mundane parenting routine where “Mum” becomes the only name you hear all day. The other colourful parts of your personality that truly make you who you are get buried. Being a mum, doesn’t mean you can’t be fun anymore. It doesn’t mean you have to neglect the real you and it surely doesn’t mean you have to lose your sex appeal.

I have many friends who are not only mothers but also Mumpreneurs. We rarely get breaks from our children and life can become a complete dedication to work, family home and paying the bills. Without realising it, you become that fly on the wall watching your life pass you by. Self-care is a necessity and balancing all the above is a major part of that equation. Don’t feel bad planning a getaway trip with your girls! You may not all be able to go too far, but you can definitely take a much needed trip nearby. (In our case it was Athens baby!)

Keep mum happy then everyone is happy. Having children does put a strain on your marriage or relationship but you still need to be that ‘girl’ you once were, the one who wants to let go and have some innocent girly fun. By finding the right balance; everyone around gets to benefit. –  it’s win win.  

Suppressing yourself and always having to be so damn strong, organised and ‘proper’ dullens the dreariest of people. Sometimes we have to let down our hair and temporarily put aside the shield of strength and have a dance off in the middle of a club with our girls. Let go of the fear of making a fool of yourself, stop worrying about others judging you and just have a good old time. There is plenty of strength in that too. Why should mums be judged harshly because they still go out and have a good night out? A lot of times that judgement comes from a place of jealously. Stop caring what people think if they see you, out at a club. Let them think what they like. Take off your super woman cap and let go. I promise, it will be fine. 

Recently, seven of us managed to escape and have 19 kids cared for, driven to lessons, fed and probably (hopefully!) bathed while we were gone! It wasn’t easy but it was so worth it. We shared uninterrupted time, laughed until our faces hurt (and maybe peed a bit!), acted silly, drank too much, overshared. What a way to cement our already strong friendships.

This trip to Athens with the girls, proved to be just that! We managed to stay in the lap of luxury, got spoilt rotten, drank coffee all day to keep us awake enough to enjoy our nights out at restaurants/bars and then to crown it all spent Saturday night at a club till the break of dawn. I don’t remember doing that for a very long time _ and boy did it feel good! Funnily enough I saw other girl tribes spending the same weekend together. We all need this!

If you haven’t planned a mini getaway with friends, do it! I looked forward to it for a good month and even that was exciting in itself. I refueled, recharged my batteries and reignited my passion for life and came back with a bounce!










