Do you feel less productive and worn out in the afternoon? Do you start looking for an afternoon pick-me up solution like coffee or biscuits every day around 3 p.m.? You are not alone! Research shows that about 1/3 of people report they start losing their energy at around that time.

My advice for beating the afternoon energy crisis is to have a well-balanced meal for lunch. Fill half of your plate with salad, then ¼ of the plate with protein such as fish or chicken and the last ¼ of the plate with carbohydrates such as quinoa, rice or potatoes. When your energy levels start to drop I recommend a smart, easy snack like a handful of almonds, walnuts or any other unsalted nuts. Their strong nutritional profile provide fiber, protein and good fat therefore will provide the sustained energy you need and keep you full until your next meal!

Christina x

