Dr. Yiota Demetriou – THE DANCING QUEEN FOUNDATION is a charity set up in memory of the late Dr. Demetriou, whose vision to help children in the field of psychology was tragically cut short in New York, in November 2008, by a reckless drunken driver.

For more information about the late Dr.Yiota Demetriou please click on the picture below.

I knew Yiota as she was in my school, she was also taught by my mother, who considered her one of her all-time favourite students. Yiota, was full of energy and the life and soul of the party which explains the choice in naming the charity; Dancing Queen – Yiota was the ULTIMATE dancing queen. After her prematurely heart-breaking death, her brothers and close friends came together and formed ‘The Dancing Queen Foundation’.  Its purpose to realise her dream of helping children and to keep her memory alive.

This year is the 10th Anniversary Walk

‘I’d rather walk than drink and drive’ 

This is the foundation’s biggest event and with your support will be the most successful to date. We need you there! 

LET US ALL JOIN FORCES TO RAISE AS MUCH AS WE CAN in order to help the large numbers of children who require psychological, educational and physical support. 


The foundation’s three annual events are: 

  • A charity party
  • The WALK in Limassol
  • The WALK in Pafos ( which took place for the first time this year)



Through this walk the foundation raises awareness about drunk driving and the effects it has on people’s lives, just as it had on Yiota’s family and friends. This year the 10th Annual Charity Walk is on 11th November at 8.30. The walk starts from Dolce Club Limassol and finishes at the Old Port Square. It is known for its picturesque walk along the water front, the money it raises and the buzz it generates.


You too can help keep Dr. Yiota Demetriou’s vision alive by helping us raise money to improve the quality of childrens’ lives.

Don’t miss out Register now!

Rewarding, a little challenging, great fun and an excellent experience, ‘I’d rather walk than drink and drive’ will have a lot more meaning if you are there. WMC is always there volunteering so it would be great to see you.

Click onto www.dancingqueenfoundation.com for more information.



