Although everyone is excited to see the couple kiss and say I do and we all shed a tear, weddings aren’t just about the grand romance between the two people getting married — they’re also about family. Weddings bring together friends and family like no other event does. The organisation, excitement and general lead up of a wedding keeps everyone fully occupied, useful and in good spirits and of course super stressed to ensure it all is as perfect as can be. Overwhelming love and anticipation makes all that stress that goes hand in hand with preparations for the big day magically disappear.

Our family wedding is approaching and looking back we have had some serious family bonding time taking place. This has been precious and a reminder that there is nothing better than spending quality time with the people you love the most. The bride being my baby sister and the last member of my family to ‘get hitched’ meant that we had to live up to what party mode is all about. Numerous outings and family celebrations have taken place, Greek wedding songs are on constant repeat in our family kitchen and mum’s touching up of the house is ready to be enjoyed.

Teaming up with the three bridesmaids to give the bride, Elena, a beach party she so desperately wanted was so much fun. Her wish for a wedding on the beach didn’t quite go as planned so a hen’s on a moonlit beach was compensation at its best! Each playing our part, we created a girly, boho affair in an enchanted setting and enjoyed the whole floaty, white, flowery sha-bam!

The hens’ party did not end here, we continued celebrating with a trip to Athens with the leading ladies in both the bride and groom’s families. The mission being to bring home the wedding dress! A couple of days doing what girls tend to do and loving every minute was the cherry on top of all celebrations. Mums and daughters and daughters- in- law both sides BONDED, had great nights out and made the bride feel like she was on top of the world!

The organising of the traditional Hens party, the mini cation to bring home the wedding dress and lots of dinners and family parties in between have brought us all closer together and we are now ready for our bride and groom to tie the knot with a BANG! Knowing that the big day goes by so quickly it’s important to make the most of the lead up that takes place before. Our bride has had wonderful pre wedding moments, nights out and holidays and so has our groom for that matter and we have all made the most of each other!

So, roll on the big day so we can dance the night away and celebrate in good old fashioned style.

