Summer holidays are over or coming to an end for most of us and back to school means trying to get organized. How do we get organised though if we are still in holiday mode? When it’s still too hot to even think about school uniforms, rucksacks, extracurricular activities, drop offs and pickups? But we must! Time to snap out of our relaxed, summer, dreamy mood and pop the super mum hat on – one of our many many hats!

School uniforms! Have you bought yours yet? Living in Cyprus, uniforms sell out like hot cakes to begin with. Don’t leave buying them to the last minute, and shop around, there are lots of places that stock up the basics. It doesn’t have to be from a specific shop.

Having got kids ready for school for quite a few years now, I have very easily slipped into buying extras which are not needed. It’s not like the school uniform store goes out of business in October. You can always buy more. I normally buy double skirts and pants, and five T-shirts to begin with. One or two school shirts and one school jumper which are worn for formal occasions are enough. Buy as large as you can without your child absolutely swimming in their school uniform as it can be worn the following Spring. I always buy kiddies winter tracksuits when the weather starts to change. Make sure shoes fit well with some room to grow, but not excessively. Shoes that are too big can be a tripping hazard. Instead of buying shoes extra-large, if you find a good deal on shoes during the back-to-school sale season, buy the next size up too.
I invest in school bags so I don’t have to go through the ordeal of buying them yearly. Better to buy a good, sturdy one which might be on the expensive side but will end up costing you less in the long run. Kids love and take pride when choosing their school bag and stationary so take them along with you!
Getting the yearly time table and schedule ready is a bummer but the sooner it’s done the better. Work out lessons and after school activities, liaise with friends and create a network of help so everyone can benefit. My group of friends have become my team and we have the ‘all for one and one for all’ theory going on. Huge help! So if you don’t have a network of friends, build one.
Keep notes, deadlines and save dates on your mobile or if you have the old fashioned thing going on like me, in your diary. I do not function without my daily ‘to do’ list. Making notes of things you have to do, clears your mind allowing you to eliminate your stress and anxiety. Once jotted down your jobs are half way to being done.
Whether in an office or in your kiddie’s bedrooms, make sure their working area is neat and tidy. Functioning in an organised space reflects their state of mind and starting off the school year in ship shape is only a plus. Pinning up a weekly schedule in the kitchen for all family members to be on the ball is also a big help.

So, let’s get the ball rolling, tick, tock, tick, tock it’s nearly school o’ clock 😉

