Roses are red, violets are blue, today is time to solo play so make it about you! Yes, it is a romantic day, but are you giving time to show yourself some love? Creating little moments throughout the day to pause and enjoy your own company on Valentine’s Day is an invitation to indulge in some self-care.

With that sentiment in mind, here are some of my self-care tips for Valentine’s Day—because today deserves better, and so do you.

Take a walk

The perfect way to kick start your day. Go for a walk, either in the park, by the sea, anywhere but make sure you get some fresh air! It will do you the world of good and it will set you up for the whole day!


Have a yoga workout in the evening! It increases mental and physical energy, boosts alertness and enthusiasm and allows for fewer negative feelings.

Take a Candlelit Bubble Bath

Self-care rituals and setting the mood and ambience at home is a game-changer. You can pamper yourself in the comfort of your home with a candlelit bubble bath. To set the mood, light your candles, get yourself a bottle of wine and some fruit. Soak in a bath bomb of bubbles. Put on some 90’s R n’ B, enjoy the music and let the stress melt away.

Give Yourself a Facial

With your body now clean, time to give your face some extra attention with an at-home facial. Facials are one of the most relaxing and luxurious things you can do for yourself. Remember to cleanse, exfoliate, steam, mask, tone, moisturize (all in that order!)

Make Your Favourite Meal

Cooking and food, is a form of self-love and care. Your body deserves nourishment with fresh ingredients. Put on your favourite music, have a drink, and enjoy cooking your favourite meal just the way you like it!

Dinner & A Movie

Now that you are all pampered and pretty, it is time to grab your home- made food and curl up on the sofa to watch a good old chick flick!  J Lo’s ‘Marry Me’ is going to be my V- day small screen entertainment!

So, a walk in the morning, a yoga session in the evening, a candlelit bubble bath, a facial, a home cooked meal and dinner matched with a movie is what my day will be about! Looking forward to it!

Happy Valentine’s Day x

