The start to the new year and in this case a new month, is usually a benchmark period for a fresh restart; to set new goals, make some changes to your lifestyle and set the tone for the year.

Yes, the pandemic is still here, yes, lock downs are still affecting us and no, we still can’t go for a glass of wine after nine!

Is there anything you can do to make your life better? More productive? To develop yourself? You bet! And, like all major changes, it all starts from within.

So, here are 3 tips to help you make the most of this year:

1. Stop thinking, start doing

You are not your thoughts, you are what you do. Make a plan and go get it, ignore all negative voices inside and outside your head!

2. Be specific with your goals

Stop being vague with your life. It’s time to get real. Reflect, think and really put effort into it, otherwise, we will continue to live…vaguely…without purpose.

3. Focus on what you can control, accept everything else

You can’t control the weather, you can only accept it, and use it to your advantage (adjust your sails). Use the same principle with things you can’t control and master the things you can.

Hope this helps,

Fotis x

