Now let’s deal with a big issue that mums have! Food! Being a mum of a pre-schooler boy for example means that I have to prepare more than just your average breakfast not ‘just a sandwich’ as he says. 😉

It really is an issue, especially when you have a fussy eater like my son who doesn’t like any dairy products which just limits his choices even more.

Think about all the dos and don’ts we follow or have in our minds when it comes to our children’s diet. It has to be something light, not sugary or salty, they have to like it otherwise they won’t eat it, most preferably homemade so we know the ingredients used and the list goes on…

When it comes to food you’ve got to agree that,‘You can’t just eat good food. You’ve got to talk about it too.’

So, how about trying to be a bit creative?! Although this might sound time consuming it only takes a few more minutes to prepare. And if you have a creative flair, it won’t take you long at all. I struggle as I’m not so creative but I manage and my overall mission is accomplished.


The fact that my son will eat whatever food I lay before him, even eggs which he claims he doesn’t like, goes to show, artistic or not, this labour of love I put into his plate goes a long way and truth be said I do enjoy trying to find ways that will work wonders.

After endless googling I’ve come to the conclusion that even a simple ham and cheese sandwich will taste better if its shape is a teddy bear, a heart or whatever else you can think of instead of a the basic form it comes in. Forget the frustration and just add imagination, rather than just preparing a cheese roll or a sandwich, try adding some smiley faces on top, try cutting the vegetables in different shapes and I guarantee it being a done deal.

All you need is determination, creativity and to whip up an element of surprise along with each meal. You will love the process as much as your child will enjoy every flavour on his plate.

Natassa x

