Dear Mum,


We are about to meet each other for the very first time and create a bond so strong, that everyone will remember. My bestest friend, since day 1.

We fell in love, from the very first time we laid eyes on each other. From the first touch. The first kiss. The first time you gave me your finger and I clung on to it, with all my tiny powers.

You created a new soul but never, ever divided your love in two.  Instead, you so gracefully duplicated it.

Every day was a good hair day even when doing my hair wasn’t so necessary!

I was lucky enough to get to know my first ballet positions, from you mummy. And I L-O-V-E-D it. I still do!

Travelling with you, is always an adventure. We just can’t stop laughing!

Actually, we are so lucky to share so many good times together mum.

Some quality crying, too. To be honest,  there is no way you’ll  listen to Elvis Presley – Love me tender and not shed a tear.

Everything I am, I am because of you.

You are the one that taught me all about good, selfless deeds.

You are the one that taught me the definition of a mother and which you most certainly put a stamp on. And you are the one, who I will try to imitate, when my time comes.

You are the one who puts everything aside for us.

I look back and you are there. I look at the present and you are there. And I look at the future and I really hope, with every beat of my heart, that you will be there. For as long as you possible.

On this Mother’s Day and for all my life, no gift will ever be good enough for what you have given me. You say that we are the best gifts you have ever received. But of all the gifts that life has offered  me,  a loving mother like you, is the greatest of them all.

I love you always,

Nicole x

