For the past month or so we have all been experiencing surrealism to the maximum! Many of us feel that we are living in war like conditions but unfortunately we are learning to adapt to our new normal. But hey…! This doesn’t mean that all our conversations have to be focused around Covid-19. And before you judge me I’m not saying bury your head in the ground and become oblivious to what’s going on or insensitive to other people’s statuses. On the contrary, it’s vital to stay informed on all government instructions and to the latest pandemic-related news from trustworthy sources. But we are human and hearing constant and worrying updates about the increases of this contagion from around the world can become overwhelming to say the least. It is after all in our DNA to crave for some “happy time” too…at least for a few hours each day.

Social distancing is unquestionably taking its toll on us so when video calling a friend or a family member try talking about other things too. Feeling constantly miserable and down, will have an adverse effect on your inner world, will probably result to increased anxiety levels and can even unintentionally break a relationship due to frenzied dislike towards the people who constantly bring it up. Instead ask whether they have taken up any new hobbies (I know I have!), learned a new recipe or even ask how they are adjusting to working from home and having the whole family around them (that might even cause some laughter).

At home with the children and spouse/partner play various board games like Scrabble, Dixit, Taboo, card games (Maria I think I’ve finally mastered Rummy) do puzzles (and then wonder what you’ll do with them). Have a cooking competition or do arts and crafts and decorate the garden or the veranda. Have heartfelt laughter with your family and stop worrying so much. There are all sorts of things to do to bring back our smile even when we are feeling low.  

My advice to you is to set goals and targets – daily or weekly, it doesn’t really matter. The logic behind setting goals is that your mind is persistently working on completing them and as a result you don’t really have so much time to just sit idle and contemplate or chat about the coronavirus all day long. I have practised the above and during this quarantine time I have learned how to crochet, cook delicious meals for my family and I have even done an online course! So let the experts do their work and let’s enjoy just being!

Take charge of your mind and begin to fill it with healthy, positive, and courageous thoughts.

Norman Vincent Peale

Till next week…



