I hope everybody is well and safe. The government told us to stay home and I truly hope you are doing so! With that in mind, obviously there is increased activity on social media with many people staying home.

This gives us a chance to be creative. We have time to think, the luxury of pausing our hectic lives and to truly make an impact on the lives of others. Even if you believe you are more business-oriented than creative minded, bear in mind that some of the most successful startups were launched during periods of crisis. So now is your chance to really put pen to paper, gather your thoughts and just start.

When it comes to sharing (not bragging) on social media, there are 3 important messages I want you to keep in mind at all times.

  1. Don’t reshare negativity. In one way or other news will find its destination. If it’s really important, trust me, somehow you WILL find out. So if certain negative news is not helpful, please stop resharing. You are doing more harm to yourself and others than you can think of.
  2. Don’t do it for the likes. Social media is by nature an ego-boosting vehicle. We get likes, comments and follows and this releases hormones of (I’m so important) which are very harmful in terms of where we truly want to go and who we truly are. So during this period at least, share to inspire, recommend books, share recipes, do videos on helpful tips whether its gardening or DIYing, post a series of funny videos. The point is to consciously do this to inspire, help or make people laugh.
  3. Don’t compare yourself to others. This is a recipe for disaster. If you catch yourself saying how happier or more fulfilled people are on IG than you, stop immediately and give yourself a mental slap. Firstly because social media only captures a moment in time, a smile can be a fake one, and sometimes it might not show the true picture 100%. Secondly, you have to tell yourself you are as special. Therefore, use social media and influencers to inspire you, to push you to become a better version of YOURSELF. The moment posts and videos make you anxious and stressed is the exact moment you have to switch off from scrolling and focus on yourself.

Hope this helps, stay home, stay safe!




