Being an English teacher at a private institute and a part-time lecturer gives me the opportunity to enjoy my mornings. Although most of the times, I rush to cook, tidy the house, go to the supermarket, prepare the afternoon snacks before going to work, I am lucky to have my Wednesdays off.

I truly cherish this day for so many reasons. Firstly, it’s the day I dedicate to my children since I don’t have to work so that gives us plenty of time during the afternoon to bake our cookies, prepare their bubble bath, do lots of colouring or even go to a cafe.

My day starts wonderfully well because it’s about me getting together with my friends over coffee in the morning! I literally forget about everything during these two-three hours we are together. That’s the beauty of friendship. The long conversations and the laughs we have every time we meet is the best medicine. I know this might sound cliché but the energy you have right after and the positive mood you are left with, is the boost you need to continue the day and the rest of the week.

There is nothing better than spending time with your girls. Girlfriends were invented to make us forget about our worries, stay positive, appreciate our ups and downs and simply make us remember that above all we are women who just need to wind down, say stupid things and laugh our guts out.

It doesn’t have to be scheduled and it doesn’t have to be as often as every week but when you can, grab the opportunity because, like WMC states… a coffee with your friends or friend is ‘that mid-week thing which brings the weekend so much nearer.’ (Even now we are in quarantine! Just be careful or do the skype version of it!)

Natassa x



