I know that most of you will deffo be surprised with this article. As I’ve said about 100 times, I live with my parents so my mum gets to do all the cleaning at home. Saying that, I decided to take on the my laundry! Big mistake! It’s the ultimate nightmare because honestly, who’s got time to iron these goddamn clothes?

Whatever the case, I’m an expert on showing off and pretending to be a smartass, so I’m always trying to find new ways of using things! Today I’m going to give you some tips on how to use my all time favourite oil!

Coconut oil is considered by many to be an excellent food product. However, you can’t put cocunut oil on sandwiches, so I can’t tell you how to use it in your cooking, but I can definitely tell you how to use it in many different ways in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, garden and of course on your skin and hair! 

  • Use it in the kitchen: Keep your wooden utensils in good condition using a cloth with coconut oil. Allow the oil to soak for 10-15 minutes and then wipe the residue with a dry cloth.


  • Use it on your wardrobe: You can use your cocunut oil on your clothes or shoes, since it softens the material and it makes it last longer. I, personally, add coconut oil to all my leather jackets and shoes! Finally, you can use coconut oil to loosen the annoying zippers that seem impossible to go up or down.
  • Use it on the bathroom: You can use coconut oil to make your own homemade bath scent. Put 1 tsp. of coconut oil in a bowl and a few drops of an essential oil that you like and just leave it on your bathroom. Also (this is something that people who clean their house on their own will probably appreciate) you can polish the taps of your bath and sink using coconut oil. Just rub them a cloth with some coconut oil on any metal surface, leave it for a minute and then wipe it with a dry cloth. Finally, cocunut oil is pure magic when it comes to removing salts from sanitary. Put some oil on a cloth and rub the surfaces thoroughly. I told my mum and she said I’m a genius, so I guess that you’ll be surprised with the results!
  • Use it in the garden: Cocunut oil acts as a natural alternative lubricant on your bike chain or your lawn chain. With this tip both will work more efficiently and smoothly. Finally, coconut oil removes rust from almost everything. Put some oil on the rusty surface and leave it there for 2 hours. Then wipe it with a dry cloth and thank me later!
  • Use it on your hair: Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that help prevent damage to our hair. To avoid buildup, start with a small amount —no more than a tsp— and gently massage the oil through your hair, starting at the midsection and continuing to the ends. Coconut oil is really great news if you’ve been plagued by dry, itchy scalp, dandruff, frizz and hair loss.

I just love cocunut oil and even if I’m using it mostly on my hair, my mum thinks it’s great on everything.  It’s cheap, easy to find and a problem solver, so if you haven’t been using it until now, you should start doing it ASAP!





