We are back in action and personally one of the things I’ve neglected is listening to podcasts. I could blame a million things but it really all comes down to determination. Yes, it can be hectic, frustrating working from home and taking care of a toddler. But I am riding this wave of motivational momentum that our team is creating, and so should you!

So today’s podcast from Jim Kwik started off like this:

“In this challenging period, think of yourself as being in a cocoon—one day you can emerge as the butterfly, which has become a profound symbol for change and self-transformation.”

He caught my attention and filled me with hope!

Remembering that we cannot control our external environment and only our internal one gives us back a sense of control and self-motivation.

Here are 5 C’s that Jim suggests for us to do to transform:

  1. Clarity: We are lucky enough to have loads of time on our hands to self-reflect. Gain clarity on what it is you really want. On the things that really drive and fulfill you.
  2. Care: Self-care and self-love are not selfish. During these times we must not neglect ourselves mentally, physically, or emotionally. Take care of yourself in order to take care of others.
  3. Contribution: Teach online. Help with an elder’s groceries. Call family and friends and tell them you love them. Avoid contributing to an already negative environment and be the best team player to society.
  4. Create: Many people are turning to gardening, painting, cooking. Whatever it is you feel like doing, do it, and express yourself. Such an opportunity to be “forced” to be creative may not come back soon!
  5. Capabilities: There a literally thousands of good courses, a million videos, hundreds of podcasts online which you can learn something new. Or you can hone on your skills by revisiting old material. Whatever it is, improve your capabilities so you can come out of this stronger.

Till we meet again you future butterflies!



