It’s never too late to pursue your dreams. As we get older and more experienced we know what we like and what we don’t. We know what flatters us and what doesn’t and we have learnt to expertly camouflage those parts of our bodies that we are not happy with – because a woman nearing her 40s and in her 40’s has created her identity and knows exactly who she is, what she wants in life and what she has achieved.

We have, by this age, freed ourselves from the hang – ups of our youth, reached an independent decision – making age and have enough self-confidence to take a plunge into the unknown. The old cliché “40 is the new 30” isn’t just something our no-longer-young friends say to make themselves feel better – it is true. At this age we are able to make things happen because we know we can. Think Eliza- think ‘Younger’! (Watch it if you haven’t, unfortunately not on Netflix)

“If you’re waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you’ll never make it.” 
― Criss JamiHealology

Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” —

George Herbert

As adults, we are all aware of how limited our time on planet earth is. As soon as we are born the clock starts ticking. TICK TOCK right from the start. The pressure is on even before we get to school age, and then it is study hard at school, achieve high grades, get into a good university, get married, have a family, work hard at our careers, the list is endless and then it inevitably becomes self- inflicted pressure because we set similar goals for our own children and for ourselves. And all too soon, in the blink of an eye we have to prepare for our retirement. Stress, stress, stress! – It seems everything is set by the tick tocking of the clock and there is definitely no back to the future.

What happens if, unfortunately, all the goals we set for ourselves are not attained within the desired time frame? Does that mean quitting? Regrettably, life doesn’t always go the way we want it to. Many of us may not even get close, may not even have had the chance to plan and might even have had to start over later in life. Life choices may have steered us in another direction. It doesn’t matter. If we have a chance to realise our dreams, then we must take it. It is never too late! “You can get what you want or you can just get old.” ― Billy Joel. Neither your age nor your circumstances should be a stumbling block preventing you from going after what you want. Dreams do come true if you want them to!

The inspiration of this article is with myself in mind. My vision of Wednesday Morning Coffee had been a dream for years until someone triggered me into action and I wasted no more time. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, NEVER put your dreams aside, remember the old adage ‘never put off tomorrow what you can do today’ because tomorrow never comes!  The older you get, the more mature and sure you are of yourself and what you want.

So, step out of your comfort zone and propel yourself on to fulfil your dreams. Mothers whose children are about to empty the nest is another incentive to drive you forward.

Meet my inspiring bunch:

Katerina Sotiriou


‘An unfulfilled desire, a secret passion, I like to call it ‘a passionate MUA in progress.’One could say that over the past few years I have developed some sort of an “addiction” to makeup products and generally everything revolving around the word ‘makeup’. I would find myself buying new products weekly just because I liked the way they looked, smelled or because I had seen an online makeup tutorial that had used the product. I would then try it for myself and decide whether I liked it or not or if I could duplicate a certain look. Until one day it hit me and I said “Why not take up a course and train myself into doing something I’m passionate about?” So that’s what I did. I enrolled myself at the best place -for me-in Limassol and I’m now a proud student learning all the tricks the trade has to offer. A career change? YES

Something I’m proud of? Definitely!

Life’s too short to just sit around and wait for things to happen. You need to go out there and make things happen. Age is definitely not something that should stop anyone in doing and achieving things they really want to.’


Christiana Anastasiou


‘I have always been a lover of crafting, sewing and knitting, making my children’s clothes and toys as they were growing up. I am a firm believer that hand-made presents are the best and it gives me great joy in making them and giving them. It has taken me years to build up the strength and courage to share this passion of mine as I am quite shy. My blog, ‘’ is now two years old and although I’m still struggling with an audience ☺ I’m loving it. Now that my three children are all grown up and I have some breathing space, I am thoroughly appreciating time to craft, create and share. It’s never too late ladies.’


Maria Laspou


‘Ever since I was four years old I remember myself dancing. It was my passion! Although I pursued a career in graphic design, and I am still very active in my chosen field, I have never stopped dancing. Six years ago I became a member at my current gym, attending dance classes for exercise (of course my form of exercise had to comprise of dancing). When my teacher became pregnant I was asked to cover for her as she thought I was the perfect person for the job. I must admit I was crazy about the idea! To have my own class, play my own music, make up my own dance routines, it was a dream come true.

Five months down the line I jump at the chance to do a dance choreography to a new song. When my teacher returns we will join forces because there is no stopping me now. I am surrounded with positivity, happy faces and twice a week for just one hour we all dance, shake off our worries and enjoy ourselves whilst keeping fit!

My passion came knocking on my door!’


Elena Rousou


‘Taking a step back from my fast paced accounting and business profession to bring up my children I took up crochet knitting classes and I discovered I had a niche for creating. I have always wanted to do my own thing but due to various circumstances had to put it off. I am currently putting together my website and my new collection of handbags. Hopefully they will all be ready before the festive season begins so follow my Facebook page Karousel to get an idea for what’s loading or email me on It’s never too late and I am so excited about my new venture.’


Olga Papa


‘Having always been a lover of the arts and of style I knew that one day I would do something with this passion of mine. Currently living in Dubai, I used to spend my time searching for the perfect scarf. I have a thing with scarves and absolutely love their usage. I feel that they are the ideal accessory for any occasion! Before I knew it, I started making my own and found that the combination of embroidery, wool, lace or velvet made the difference. Suddenly, I was making them for family members, friends and friends of friends until I thought, ‘go for it!’ so I started up my little business and it is just what the doctor ordered! My scarves are made from Kashmir wool and you can find them on Instagram – olgapapacy.’


Christina Lefteris


‘After spending the first 10 years of my career in the finance world and enjoying a thoroughly pressurised and exciting career as an equity trader, I decided to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire (so to speak) into the world of hospitality. My husband and I have always truly enjoyed entertaining people, throwing more than the occasional dinner party and barbecue. Being Greek we’re natural feeders. But I noticed a huge gap in the market for high quality Greek cuisine, massively lacking in the suburbs of London. Our love of risk taking (the trader in me) and love of food, spurred my husband and I to open a Greek restaurant in the beautiful area of Hadley Wood in Barnet Hertfordshire. So at 36 I decided to become a restauranteur. Years of corporate dining in London’s finest spots has given me plenty of insight into what is expected of a high end restaurant. Greek food which is so tasty has always taken a back seat on the international dining spectrum. Closely associated with either fast food (souvlaki in pitta) or tavernas. Hadley Wood being an exclusive location was the perfect spot for our intimate and inviting restaurant. It’s been a hell of a journey and everyday poses a new stress as a business owner but the feeling of achievement makes it totally worth it.’


