We have such a strong connection with our hair. If it is a bad hair day, then it is reflected in our physiology and we do not feel great. On the plus side, when we have our hair done at the hairdressers we feel on top of the world.

There are times in our lives that our hair can become thinner and sometimes can actually fall out. Hair loss traditionally is considered a male issue so when we women experience hair thinning or hair loss, it can be quite traumatic. Thanks for reaching out to me via your DM’s, your trust means a lot. Maria herself suffered for almost 12 months with hair loss and I recently have noticed some thinning around the hair line on my one side which I am tackling at the moment.The human head on average has 100,000 hairs growing from the scalp.  For the most part 90% of our hair growth is consistent but at any time and for no apparent reason 10% can go dormant and this is actually very normal. The problem can sometimes occur when it is time for the 10% to wake up again and our hair, diet and/or lifestyle inhibits that hair growth to restart and this can then become a never ending cycle.

Stress, certain medications, childbirth, illness, surgery, nutritional deficiencies, anemia, rapid weight loss and hormone fluctuations including the dreaded menopause are other reasons for hair loss. We can even be at fault at times for not being gentle with our hair. Over processing with bleach, hair dyes and just pulling your hair too tight in a bun or ponytail can cause a particular type of hair loss.  It can also be hereditary. In extreme cases like alopecia where the immune system attacks the hair follicles and hair loss can appear in patches, it is best to see a medical professional.  My tips below are not for treating alopecia. They are ways to help us manage and improve our hair. The changes will happen but not overnight. On average, it can take a year to really see improvements so stay positive and keep with it.




Protein is so important in our diet.  If you do not get enough, your body may shut down hair growth.  Fish, meat and eggs are a great source of protein. If you do not eat meat then think about increasing your green peas, quinoa, nuts, beans, chickpeas, tofu, edamame, leafy greens and chia seeds in your diet.



Iron deficiency can cause hair loss as well as fatigue, headache, dizziness, pale skin and cold hands and feet. An easy blood test will get to the bottom of this and an iron supplement will correct the problem. Red meat, chicken and fish are good sources of iron and so are green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.



Biotin, vitamin C, copper, zinc, beta carotene, zinc and vitamin B complex are all important support collagen production and encourage healthy skin and hair growth. Omega 3-fatty acids are important in preventing dry and brittle hair and keeping hair and scalp healthy. Tuna, salmon, mackerel, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and walnuts are good natural sources. You can also take an omega 3 supplement to help.




If you have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) in the family, please get it checked as this can contribute to hair loss.  



Reduce breakage by using something like a Tangle Teezer to brush your hair and detangle gently.  Use good quality products on your hair and do not wash your hair too often. Two to three times per week is enough. If you wash your hair more than three times per week then it will strip the scalp and hair of natural oils. Reduce the amount of chemical processing, blow drying and coloring and if you put your hair in a ponytail or bun, do not pull the hair elastic too tight. If you do need to blow dry, allow your hair to naturally air dry as much as possible. This means you are using less heat and blow drying for less time. Philip Kingsley products are fantastic and he is a Trichologist – a doctor of hair.  He has a whole range of healthy hair and scalp products including nutritional supplements.  



Hair oil treatments that are leave in overnight are excellent. Take the time to massage your scalp with raw/organic coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, jojoba oil or sesame oil. It will help counter hair loss and help encourage new hair growth. Hair masks are also important. A great tip before applying your hair mask, is to mix in some hair oil then apply to your hair. The oil will help your hair absorb the active ingredients in the mask.



There are topical treatments available like Minoxidil and caffeine products. I am trying a new product on the market at the moment from Hair Fix which is their new Hairfix Follicle + Anti-Age is their latest and most advanced formula for thinning, ageing and greying hair. It is a scalp and hair follicle treatment that you use two to three times per week.  I will come back to you after Christmas once I have given this product a good road test.


Changes will not happen overnight. It takes time and patience. I wish I could give you a quick fix but I promise you, follow my advice and with time, you WILL see a difference.

If you are suffering too, please do not suffer in silence. Maria and I are both here for you to make life better and easier if we can. If you are unsure about what to try or where to start, please get in touch.

Have a fabulous week!

Phedra Georgiou, owner of https://www.facebook.com/Art-U-Hair-House-1511642528906389/

‘The average scalp contains roughly 100,000 to 150,000 hairs. And it’s normal to lose around 100 of these each day. If you’re seeing an increase in hair fall – more hair in your brush, in the shower, or a worrying amount coming out in your hands when touched – it’s important to identify what’s causing it. In many cases, the underlying reason will be genetic but environmental factors are also known to influence hair health.

If you’re older than fifteen, the era of your thickest hair has come and gone. From now on, the name of the game is to keep as much of that stuff on your head and maintaining its luster, strength and shine.




